Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Foot care treatments are provided subject to the following:
The patient will give 24 hours’ notice if they are unable to attend a scheduled appointment, failing to do so will incur a £40 fine. Fines are to be paid within 7 days of being incurred. Notice may be given via text, email or call, acknowledgment from CARING SOLES CHESHIRE must be received to validate cancellation.
The patient gives their full consent to any Foot assessment and treatment that is required and understands that there is a risk of injury associated with Foot Health Care treatments due to the equipment used such as (but not limited to); drills, scalpels, nail nippers etc.
The patient understands that images of their feet and/or legs may be taken as part of their treatment and consent to these images being taken, stored, and utilised as part of their care. - The patient consents to the particulars of their care being discussed with relevant health professionals.
The patient gives consent for their data to be kept for the legal period of time after treatment. Details will be destroyed after this period.
If my medications or conditions change, the patient will notify CARING SOLES CHESHIRE / the practitioner at the earliest opportunity.
We reserve the right to treat you or not treat you, and to withdraw treatment at any time, without notice.
Without consent, the practitioner will be unable to carry out any assessment or treatment.
Images of patients' progress may be used for advertisement purposes. If the patient would like to decline, they must notify this on their consultation form.